Write the following in the .vimrc :
set cindent
set enc=taiwan
set encoding=utf-8
set hls
set nocompatible
set sw=2
highlight Comment ctermfg=darkcyan
highlight Search term=reverse ctermbg=4 ctermfg=7
set autoindent
set ai
set cin
set ru
set showcmd
set bs=2
set ts=4
syntax on
set background=dark
set t_Co=256
set number
filetype plugin on
All hardware and software things including network, system, UI, maintaining tools and the information security field
screen 設定檔 [sharing]
Share for everyone:
write the following in the .screenrc
termcapinfo xterm 'hs:ts=\E]2;:fs=\007:ds=\E]2;screen\007'
termcapinfo xterm 'hs:ts=\E]0;:fs=\007:ds=\E]0;bash\007'
caption always "%{= wk} %{= KY} [%n]%t @ %H %{-} %= %{= KR} %l %{-} | %{= KG} %Y-%m-%d %{-} "
hardstatus " %-Lw%{= Bw}louwang%n%f %t%{-}%+Lw %=| %0c:%s "
shelltitle '$ |bash'
defhstatus "\005t"
write the following in the .screenrc
termcapinfo xterm 'hs:ts=\E]2;:fs=\007:ds=\E]2;screen\007'
termcapinfo xterm 'hs:ts=\E]0;:fs=\007:ds=\E]0;bash\007'
caption always "%{= wk} %{= KY} [%n]%t @ %H %{-} %= %{= KR} %l %{-} | %{= KG} %Y-%m-%d %{-} "
hardstatus " %-Lw%{= Bw}louwang%n%f %t%{-}%+Lw %=| %0c:%s "
shelltitle '$ |bash'
defhstatus "\005t"
關閉 ubuntu 預設的自動鎖螢幕
System -> Preferences -> Screensaver
to open the Screensaver Preferences" dialog box.
Uncheck "Lock screen when screensaver is active" at the bottom of the dialog box.
文章 (Atom)